Welcome UHS Trojans!

current links & Announcements

5-Star Web Link

Election Convention:

Primary Voting Results

President Candidates: Kiran Nanda, Natalie Thomas

Vice President Candidates: Govind Kanchi

Spirit and Rally Commissioner Candidates: Gidget Smith

Girls' Sports Commissioner Candidates: Ayla Agahi, Carson Cruz, Nada Morad, Emma Zhao

Boys' Sports Commissioner Candidates: Zion Barreto, Arvin Jahangiri, Diego Sosa, Zaeden Verghese

Students Activities Coordinator Candidates: Lara Blanco, Ryan Delpassand

Clubs Commissioner Candidates: Shray Paliwal, Kasra Sarafian



ASB Mission Statement

We, the 2023-2024 Associated Student Body of University High School, will strive for an inclusive, collaborative environment that empowers every student to make their mark.


University High School Constitution: Constitution Link

Fight Song

Mighty Trojans

Mighty Trojans

Fight on U.H.S.

Trojan Strength and UNI Pride

Will conquer all the rest.

Mighty Trojans

Mighty Trojans

Our Spirit will shine through,

Fight UNI, fight forever,

Trojans hail to you.


Alma mater

All Hail to thee, our university

We stand as one eternally.

Our mighty blue and white,

An inner source of light,

Will illuminate our lives forevermore.

Our friendships made of steel,

A mighty sword, will ascertain our mark remain.

Throughout the world,


2024-2025 official asb

2024-2025 asb

President: Evan Zhong

Vice President: Adrian Nguyen

Spirit and Rally Commissioner: Handersen Lee

Girls' Sports Commissioner: Asha Highsmith

Boys' Sports Commissioner: Geoff Soriano

Students Activities Coordinator: Tak Nishida

Clubs Commissioner: Toby Forster

Senior Class President: Chloe Tsai

Senior Class Vice Presidents: Camille Ridder & Solomon Moaleji

Junior Class President: Kiran Nanda

Junior Class Vice Presidents: Natalie Thomas & Jojo Fleischman

Sophomore Class President: Ayla Agahi

Sophomore Class Vice Presidents: Brian Nguyen & Ava Dreben

Freshman Class President: Tiffanny Chan

Freshman Class Vice President: Kaya Dym

Secretary: Arya Sajadi

Trojan Army Liaison: Micah Von Dem Bussche

Publicity Coordinators: Jamie Du & Sophia Whyel

Technology Commissioner: Jun Choi

Staff and Parent Liaisons: Leyah Eagar & Layne Dougherty

Student Wellness and Life Commissioners: Ally Kim & Chloe Schiffman

Service Project Commissioners: Alexis Fazeli & Carmen Cruz

Fine Arts Commissioners: Daniel Nam & Annabelle Wonder

Treasurers: Bruno Rodriguez-Diaz & Govind Kanchi

DHH Representatives: Cindy Rodriguez & Luis Saldana

2024-2025 Councils

2024-2025 Senior Council

President: Chloe Tsai

Vice Presidents: Camille Ridder & Solomon Moaleji


Aidan Parker

Ally Kim

Amy Lantz

Arohi Shah

Arvin Kommu

Arya Sajadi

Ashley Azurin

Benny Tsabba 

Caleb Kusumo

Carmen Cruz

Chloe Schiffman

Christopher Burke

Drew Biagan

Eita Anan

Elizabeth Kim

Ellie Chiou

Erica Hwang

Jamie Du

Jerry Hu

Justin Ng

Keira Choe

Kian Khurrum

Krish Wu

Kyle Shen

Leo Wang

Lillian Gan

Matthew Sheu

Miles Hexun

Niccole Cabrera

Rachel Chen

Reese Nguyen

Roshana Akhtari

Sara Li

Sarah Ida

Shadee Ghiassi

Sophia Whyel

Tala Ziadeh

Troy Kiem

Vanessa Fucito

Vincent Tsai

2024-2025 Junior council

President: Kiran Nanda

Vice Presidents: Natalie Thomas & Jojo Fleischman


Abi Garland

Adelyn Haeseker

Ansh Balashubramanian

Ariana Raetz

Aryana Kheradvar

Aysa Mir

Balin Weintraub

Ben Wang

Bradley Son

Carson Cruz

Deea Gandotra

Donya Zamani

Evan Oshima

Gidget Smith

Hannah Austin

Jetta Seckinger

Jiwoo Park

Kaden Moss

Kaitlyn Chou

Keira Kuennemann

Layne Dougherty

Micah Von den Bussche

Nada Morad

Nicole Kani

Ronita Sheikhi

Ryan Delpassand

Sage Weinberg

Sara Fan

Shirin Riahi

Sofia Mendez

William Kang

Xiao Jiang

Zeal Patel

Zion Barreto

2024-2025 sophomore council

President: Ayla Agahi

Vice Presidents: Brian Nguyen & Ava Dreben


Ailey Dizon

Alan Hu

Amanda Rahimi

Arianna Lai

Arya Sodhi

Audrey Huang

Avery Hexun

Carmel Tebyani

Dev Batra

Divyam Kumar

Ellya Khalili

Emily Hindman

Inaaya Siddiqui

Jason Zhang

Jihyuk Im

Kate Lee

Linh Tran

Mia Kfir

Miles Valentine

Natalia Anania

Natalya Vukmanovic

Nick Chernyshoff

Selin Haytoglu

Shray Paliwal

Shriran Chakraborti

Sophia Weinberg

Sterling Williamson

Tara Mahmud

Toby Tan

Tyler Chandler

Yoon Huh

Zaeden Verghesee

Zucco Zelano

2024-2025 Freshman council

President: Tiffanny Chan

Vice President: Kaya Dym


Andrei Saramukov

Ariel Fazeli

Cara Liao

Celina Kim

Charlie Carmichael

Charlie Wellman

Chloe Cho

Connor Cao

Dante Amaro

David Weston

Ethan Shapiro

Grant English

Janet Zhao

Jocelyn Huang

Josh Sarkar

Kaya Dym

Kiana Saghafi

Krish Prem

Lucia Yu

Matthew Kessler

Matthew Wu

Mayumi Nishida

Naithik Gajula

Priyanka Singh

Rebecca Lee

Rika Owada

Ryan Rahimi

So Nomura

Sophia Wang

Tim Kim

Vinya Gupta

2024-2025 Blue crew

2024-2025 blue crew

Trojan Army Liaison: Micah von dem Bussche


Nick Chernyshoff

Marcus Cheung

Kaitlyn Chou

Ryan Delpassand

Kaya Dym

Angi Elias

Mariam Ghaly

Aysa Grace

Audrey Huang

Divyam Kumar

Cara Liao

Ella McNulty

Preston Nguyen

Shubh Patel

Avni Peddha

Shirin Riahi

Capri Rodriguez

Kiana Saghafi

Kasra Sarafian

Jade Smith

Lisa Tran

Natalya Vukmanovic

Wellness Recommendations: tinyurl.com/uhswellnessrecs

Staff Member of the Week Suggestions: tinyurl.com/smowsuggestions

SAC Segment Univision: tinyurl.com/sacsegment

UNIVISION: tinyurl.com/univision

ASB Feedback Form: tinyurl.com/asbsuggestions

University High School Webstore: universityiusd.myschoolcentral.com

SWORD & SHIELD: uhsswordandshield.com


For any website-related inquiries, please contact techuhsasb@gmail.com