9th Grade

Incoming Freshmen

Our interaction with incoming freshmen begins with Family Night in the spring semester of eighth grade, during which we discuss the transition to high school, academic and behavioral expectations, and extracurricular opportunities. You can find the Presentation slides here and the student video here. 

Course Selection for incoming 9th graders is open in April via the Google Form that will be emailed from Uni Administration. If your student has questions about their placement in courses, please contact your current middle school counselor.

The 8th Grade Parent Coffee was held on April 18, 2024. The handout for the coffee can be found here and the FAQ slides can be found here.

Fall Semester

Early in the fall, we hold a Freshman Parent Coffee to review the transition to high school, high school diploma requirements, college requirements, and support services (peer tutoring, study skills, parent portal, Canvas, office hours, Project Success, etc.). At each progress report, which is issued every five to six weeks, we identify struggling students. When appropriate, we assign students to various interventions on campus for additional support. 

In October, we visit the ninth grade classrooms and review graduation requirements, transcripts, college requirements, support resources, GPA calculations, summer school, and mental health supports on campus.

Spring Semester

During the spring semester, counselors meet with 9th grade students in their classrooms to choose courses for 10th grade. We review sophomore courses and pre-requisites and are available to answer any questions students may have. In April, we send home letters to parents of freshman who should enroll in summer school classes.

Parent Information Sessions

The counselors hold two Freshman Parent Information Sessions. In the fall, we review graduation requirements, a-g requirements, college and career center resources, ROP class options, school-wide interventions, and other helpful information. In the spring, we review 10th grade course selection as well as the summer school registration process. 

The Fall Freshman Parent Information Session for the class of 2028 was held on Monday, October 7th, 2024 at 8:00am in the MPR and was also available on Zoom. Please find the presentation slides here and the handout here.

The Spring Parent Information Session for the class of 2028 was held on Monday, March 17th at 8:00am. You can find the presentation slides here and the handout here.

Accessing PSAT 9 Scores

To gain access to scores, students (13 years of age or older) must set up a free College Board Account.  Please see the following link for detailed instructions on how to do so: How to Create Your College Board Account.

It is also recommended that students link their College Board Account to Khan Academy in order to receive a personalized SAT study plan based on their results. For more information on how to do this, please visit this link

As a reminder, colleges will not have access to these scores, and they will not be visible on student transcripts.  The school and district have access to student scores, but they will remain confidential and will only be utilized to make suggestions for students as they move forward in high school.

Other Useful Links