Summer Camps


UPDATE (7/6/2020, 5:00PM)

Trojan Families: IUSD was just notified by the Orange County Department of Education that all summer youth sports programs are on hold until further notice. We will be waiting for official guidance from the County Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) on how to proceed safely.

We apologize for the confusion and disruption this may cause, but safety for our staff and students and adherence to state and county guidelines has to be our priority. We are so grateful for your flexibility and patience! At this time all summer sports camps will be postponed until further notice. We hope to resume later in the summer and will be in touch with specific information as soon as we know more.

The District is continuing to closely monitor the guidance from federal, state and local authorities to coordinate their actions and responses, including moving forward with Athletic Summer Camps, with expert health agencies and other OC school districts. 
Uni Athletics will inform our coaches and community of any changes.