Reunion Information

If you need to post reunion information, please email the webmaster:  .  Please do not email asking for information as everything I have is posted here.

Class of 1978 40th reunion

Hey Classmates...It's time to P-A-R-T-Y! Why? Because believe it or not, it's been 10 long years since our last reunion, and although Facebook and social media are great for reconnecting, let's face can't hug a friend on Facebook! We are opening our reunion to include UHS classmates from '75-'81, including our friends from SELF. We are also inviting our wonderful teachers; we welcome you all to join us as we reconnect, reminisce, and celebrate being together again.

When: Saturday, August 18, 2018
Time:  6:00-pm to12:00-am
Place: Wyndham Irvine Hotel – 17941 Von Karman Ave.
For more information contact: Darla Forney Fraser 
Events for Friday, August 17th and Sunday. August 19th are in the planning process…stay tuned for more information

Classes of 72-75

Permanent website